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How to Attracts the Readers’ Attention

Writing an article that attracts the readers’ attention and makes them read it from its beginning to the end is an art. This is not to suggest that this ‘art’ alone can sustain the reader’s interest if the content in it is not unique, informative and useful.

The art, in fact, lies in presenting the content in such a manner that it makes the article reading an interesting and informative experience. It enables the reader to easily notice the important points of the content and helps him to locate the information he is looking for. Once he finds that he continues to read it till its end.

It must be understood that most readers tend to scan the articles to find the relevant information. They leave them midway even if the desired information has been adequately provided by the author in the article body but cannot be noticed easily.

Here is what you can do to optimise the article from the point of view of the reader:


Divide the article into small paragraphs. Each paragraph should be devoted to a unit of information. It should have a suitable subtitle preferably written in bold letters. The information contained in it should impel the reader to read the next paragraph.

Listing the content

It is a good idea to present the important points of the content in a list form. For example, you can write: 5 steps to improve your article writing; 10 ways to sharpen your memory and so on. Numbering or listing creates a deep psychological interest in the reader and he eagerly looks for the next step or number. The ‘number’ becomes easy to remember.

Listing helps to organize the content

Listing the content makes it appear logical and organized. Each next point comes up as a consequence or the next logical step of the previous one. It creates a kind of flow in the article from its top to its bottom.

If you find it difficult to write interesting articles, you can contact content writers who specialize in writing copy that is search engine optimized and interesting enough to motivate readers to click on the links and reach the website to find out more about the products and services.


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