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Link Building Your Way to the Top of Google

Ranking well on Google in the search results is not difficult if you have good content on your site. By setting up an effective link building campaign, you will be able to obtain backlinks from a wide variety of highly ranked and relevant sites. In this article, I will show you some of my favorite link building strategies, which is also used largely by the Link building Services.

1) Leveraging Web 2.0 sites

Some of my favorite Web 2.0 sites to build links with are Hubpages, Squidoo, Blogger, Wordpress, and Google Knol. All these are highly ranked sites which allow you to publish your own content for free. What you need to do is to write at least 500 word articles that are relevant to the keywords you want to rank for and post them on each of these sites. You don't want to appear spammy, but in each article you can include one or two backlinks to your site. Many of these sites support tags, so make sure to also include as many relevant keywords as you can. My favorite Web 2.0 site is Hubpages and I've found that Google ranks my hubs very well in the search results.

2) Blog commenting

Blog commenting is another great way to build backlinks. Your goal is to find the blogs in your niche that allow do-follow comments. In that way, you can leave a nice, insightful comment on relevant blogs, and also get some link juice back to your site. If you use Firefox, download a free extension like No Do Follow and you can easily see if a particular blog is do follow. Perform a search on Google for do-follow blog search engines and use them to find good blogs in your niche to comment on. Remember not to spam your comments or the blog owner will never approve them.

3) Use social bookmarking sites

Many of the large social bookmarking sites like Delicious, Faves, Mister-Wong are ranked very highly. By creating your own public profile on these sites, you can submit the urls of the pages you own and get some nice backlinks to your site. Although effective, this method is rather time consuming, so check out a site like which is a free site that makes it easier to bookmark your links on these social bookmarking sites. If you can afford the cash, an automated tool like Bookmarking Demon can also make submitting your sites a breeze.

Although there are many other ways to build links, the three methods described above are very effective and easy to do. Link building Services takes time, so remember to follow these strategies over a period of weeks and build up your links naturally. By following these tips, you can easily build up a number of links and get your site to rank well in Google.


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