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Directory Submission - Good Or Bad?

Submitting to web directories; good or bad? Well, it seems there's no clear answer. Visit any on the world's more popular Internet marketing forums and you'll see hundreds of people haggling over the merits and de-merits of directory submission. Of course, there are two sides to every story so you should never take anything on face value.

Personally, as a professional SEO I'd never bank my whole SEO strategy on directories. However, that's not to say that I don't include this activity in my overall link-building strategy. It's a fairly safe bet to assume that directory link's don't pass that much themed relevance or page rank authority, but does that mean that you should axe them from your link-building efforts?

A wise man once said "don't put all your eggs in one basket" and that's certainly a line of thinking I'd apply to submitting to directory type sites. A little bit of this and a little bit of that - something to keep the spiders happy and match what your competitors are doing.

Now, there's no way that I would say to you that web directory submission is the be all and end all of link building. It's clearly not! Any SEO worth their salt will know that and advise accordingly. However, what I will say is that we recommend that all web sites do some initial and maintained directory link building, just to keep a nice and healthy link-building profile ticking over. Don't overdo it though, and don't expect to see great results purely on the back of it, hence you can take Link building Services for this.

I'd also like to point out that we fanatically monitor some of the leading authority's in SEO (both agency and in-house) and we continue to see directory listings as part of their overall link-building activities.

One of the main reasons we suggest partaking in a little directory submission is it's ability to help you manually shape you back link profile (the variation in anchor text found throughout links pointing to your site) to ensure an even mix of URL, brand and key word based links.
READ MORE - Directory Submission - Good Or Bad?


Directory Submissions Are Important For Link Building

Directory submissions do not just stop with getting back links for your website, it also gets you targeted traffic to your website. Directories were originally used to get traffic to websites. Directory submissions will be worth the time and effort invested only if the links that are obtained in return are search-engine friendly or 'SEO-friendly'. By this we mean that the links should be counted and valued by the search engines.

Directory submissions are one of the best techniques to improve your site rank in the search engines. Make sure, this technique is time consuming but the effect is seen later on. Search engines and the web directories actually have the same objectives. However, they are different to each other in some specific aspects. Search engines normally rank websites both ways: through outstanding website content and first rate inbound links. This makes linking an even more attractive goal for most websites. Search engines and directories don't like automatic submissions. They consider it a form of Spam.

Website directories also may offer regional categories such as countries, states, cities, continents and Islands. Website designers offer to help you create an effective website that will boost your website marketing and also enhance your site visitors experience thereby increasing sales or repeated visits.

Spending money in building an effective website for Internet marketing should be the first step for Internet marketing success. Listings in many directories are simple links to a web site, which can help with Link Popularity. In addition, it's important for new web sites to have links from other sites in order for the search engines to follow the links to the site and index the site's pages. Listings in many directories are considered "permanent" (they won't change your listing), so if you do it poorly yourself, you might be hurting your site long term. If you don't know how to do it best, you should have us do your submissions.

Submitting your link to free directories is a must, except for those that require a reciprocal link for your site to be listed. You can do it on your own or can ask a Link building Services to do it for you. Ultimately, it's about you to decide whether to give a reciprocal link or not. Submit your competitor's site to directories and later attend the funeral! Submitting your website with automated or semi-automated software causes a lot of problems. First it is very difficult to get your website in the correct category with automated software.
READ MORE - Directory Submissions Are Important For Link Building


Tips and Tricks For Effective Link Building

Link popularity is an important decisive factor for higher page ranking of a website. Link popularity refers to having quality in-bound links to your website. Many SEO services India agencies offer effective Link building Services to popularize your website by link building methods. Here are a few tips that SEO consultants suggest for improving the links to your website.

- Identify link partners that have the same or related themes as that of your website. This is very important in SEO perspective. If the contents provided in the linked website do not match with yours, the result will be adverse.

- While proposing for a link partnership, suggest a title and description suitable for the link. This is essential because search engines catch the links on the basis of these identifiers.

- Prepare articles and educational materials that promote products or services offered in your website. These articles, which contain links to your website, are then submitted to different directory submission services such as the Link building Services. There are different categories in the article directories. Make sure that you submit the articles under the appropriate category. Many of these article directories are already ranked higher, so these articles are capable of generating greater traffic to your website.

- Include blogs or news section in your website and write about the latest developments in the industry. Include features about important products and companies related to your service by linking to those companies. They will link back by responding to your entries.

- Tag interesting websites related to your business in social bookmarking sites such as If people find these sites interesting, they may follow the trail and reach to your website.

- Apart from the above, there are several other ways to improve link popularity of your website. Some of them include submitting your website links to popular directories, government resources, manufacturer's sites or you can buy high PR links for your website from any relevant sources. Developing association with like-minded businesses is another effective way to rank higher.
READ MORE - Tips and Tricks For Effective Link Building


Link Building Your Way to the Top of Google

Ranking well on Google in the search results is not difficult if you have good content on your site. By setting up an effective link building campaign, you will be able to obtain backlinks from a wide variety of highly ranked and relevant sites. In this article, I will show you some of my favorite link building strategies, which is also used largely by the Link building Services.

1) Leveraging Web 2.0 sites

Some of my favorite Web 2.0 sites to build links with are Hubpages, Squidoo, Blogger, Wordpress, and Google Knol. All these are highly ranked sites which allow you to publish your own content for free. What you need to do is to write at least 500 word articles that are relevant to the keywords you want to rank for and post them on each of these sites. You don't want to appear spammy, but in each article you can include one or two backlinks to your site. Many of these sites support tags, so make sure to also include as many relevant keywords as you can. My favorite Web 2.0 site is Hubpages and I've found that Google ranks my hubs very well in the search results.

2) Blog commenting

Blog commenting is another great way to build backlinks. Your goal is to find the blogs in your niche that allow do-follow comments. In that way, you can leave a nice, insightful comment on relevant blogs, and also get some link juice back to your site. If you use Firefox, download a free extension like No Do Follow and you can easily see if a particular blog is do follow. Perform a search on Google for do-follow blog search engines and use them to find good blogs in your niche to comment on. Remember not to spam your comments or the blog owner will never approve them.

3) Use social bookmarking sites

Many of the large social bookmarking sites like Delicious, Faves, Mister-Wong are ranked very highly. By creating your own public profile on these sites, you can submit the urls of the pages you own and get some nice backlinks to your site. Although effective, this method is rather time consuming, so check out a site like which is a free site that makes it easier to bookmark your links on these social bookmarking sites. If you can afford the cash, an automated tool like Bookmarking Demon can also make submitting your sites a breeze.

Although there are many other ways to build links, the three methods described above are very effective and easy to do. Link building Services takes time, so remember to follow these strategies over a period of weeks and build up your links naturally. By following these tips, you can easily build up a number of links and get your site to rank well in Google.
READ MORE - Link Building Your Way to the Top of Google


9 Ways to Get Backlinks to Your Website

A backlink is when you have your website URL on somebody else's website. Backlinks are very consequential and the more of them you have online the more abeyant traffic they can bring to you.

Let's take a look at 9 ways you can get backlinks and increase the amount of traffic coming to your site every day.

1. You are perusal this article right now and at the bottom of it should be a resource box. The resource box will embody a link pointing back to the producer's website. One way to increase backlinks is to produce and submit massive amounts of articles to article directories online.

2. Write blog articles and submit them to social directories. This is known as bookmarking a blog post and is an admired way to get a backlink pointing back to your blog. Social directories love these and so do search engines.

3. Post comments in other people's blogs. Post only in blogs that allow you to admit a link back to your blog or website.

4. Hang out and participate in online discussion forums. Include a signature file that embodies a hyperlinked keyword phrase back to your website. These posts in discussion forums can stay online giving you backlinks for years to come.

5. Trade links with other websites which is known as returned linking. You can speed the system up by accompanying a returned linking company and recognizing hundreds of link partners to trade with.

6. Purchase ads in ezines that are archived on the Internet. These archived issues can serve as backlinks when your ad is published in it. You can purchase multiple ads with an ezine advertising companies such as HBAds and save money by being in multiple ezines with one purchase.

7. Send out a press release every time your Internet business has something new to offer. These press releases will embody a link back to your website that can bring traffic both promptly and in the future.

8. Purchase text links ads on other people's blogs. If you get on a blog sidebar your link can end up on thousands of pages giving you massive exposure with one link.

9. If you are invited to jot testimonials for a product launch do it. These testimonials can give you admired backlinks and traffic as people read the sales page over and over.

This is 9 ways to get backlinks to your website or blog. There certainly are many more ways to do it like the Link building Services and to buy high PR links and the more backlinks you have the better.
READ MORE - 9 Ways to Get Backlinks to Your Website


Write SEO Articles to Promote Website

Your website is not optimized for search engines or picked up by their software/ crawlers for higher ranking in search results unless it is keyword rich. In other words, your content should be informative, unique, and relevant to the subject that your website deals with and it should also contain keywords or the words that a user would enter in the search bar to find the products or services you are offering.

Again, a high quality content of this type, by itself, may not be able to attract the search engines to rank your website high on their first pages.

The question, therefore, is: How to optimize your website for high search engine ranking?

One of the most cost effective or even free methods to do so is to write SEO articles about the product or service that your website seeks to promote. The articles should be published in prominent article directories.

The content of the articles should also be keyword rich, informative and compelling so that the readers are motivated to get more information about your offering. If they are interested, they can click the link/s, also called back links, in the articles that will direct them to your website.

Keep in mind that writing just one or two articles will not optimize your website for search engines. You will need to write and submit articles in article directories to get the necessary exposure.

The more the clicks you get, the higher your website will be ranked. A thumb rule for search engine optimization is that the more quality links a website attracts from the searchers through the articles, the higher the page rank the search engines give to the website.

Writing unique, informative and keyword rich content for the website or for article directories is a laborious and time-consuming job. Not every body has the time or the expertise to write SEO articles that can bring them a high page rank. You can contact content writers who specialize in writing copy that is search engine optimized and interesting enough to motivate readers to click on the links and reach the website to find out more about the products and services.
READ MORE - Write SEO Articles to Promote Website


How to Attracts the Readers’ Attention

Writing an article that attracts the readers’ attention and makes them read it from its beginning to the end is an art. This is not to suggest that this ‘art’ alone can sustain the reader’s interest if the content in it is not unique, informative and useful.

The art, in fact, lies in presenting the content in such a manner that it makes the article reading an interesting and informative experience. It enables the reader to easily notice the important points of the content and helps him to locate the information he is looking for. Once he finds that he continues to read it till its end.

It must be understood that most readers tend to scan the articles to find the relevant information. They leave them midway even if the desired information has been adequately provided by the author in the article body but cannot be noticed easily.

Here is what you can do to optimise the article from the point of view of the reader:


Divide the article into small paragraphs. Each paragraph should be devoted to a unit of information. It should have a suitable subtitle preferably written in bold letters. The information contained in it should impel the reader to read the next paragraph.

Listing the content

It is a good idea to present the important points of the content in a list form. For example, you can write: 5 steps to improve your article writing; 10 ways to sharpen your memory and so on. Numbering or listing creates a deep psychological interest in the reader and he eagerly looks for the next step or number. The ‘number’ becomes easy to remember.

Listing helps to organize the content

Listing the content makes it appear logical and organized. Each next point comes up as a consequence or the next logical step of the previous one. It creates a kind of flow in the article from its top to its bottom.

If you find it difficult to write interesting articles, you can contact content writers who specialize in writing copy that is search engine optimized and interesting enough to motivate readers to click on the links and reach the website to find out more about the products and services.
READ MORE - How to Attracts the Readers’ Attention